Volunteer Clearance Requirements

Volunteer Clearance Requirements

Pennsylvania law requires ALL volunteers in direct contact with children, have access to privacy information from children, or potentially communicate with children, to have child abuse clearances and specific background checks.

You may have some clearances already as a volunteer in another role (for example your child's school). However, there are additional requirements for Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association (EPYSA) that must be completed in order to ensure the safety of our child athletes. Additional information on the legislation and reporting requirements is available at keepkidssafe.pa.gov.

FC Montco requires copies of clearances for ALL of our volunteers. We must have this documentation in hand prior to the commencement of your volunteer activities. 

If your clearances are not on file,
you will NOT be permitted on the field.

Specifically, all coaches, assistant coaches, trainers, Directors, Board Members, and even parents that are helping out more than one time are required to have the clearances listed below.

Following EPYSA requirements, every volunteer is required to submit 5 documents in order to be club approved. Please complete/obtain all 5 trainings/clearance checks and submit together in ONE email to our club Risk Management coordinator: riskmanagement@fcmontco.org. Please indicate the subject line which position, program, and age group for which you have volunteered. This must be done prior to practices/games. Email the club Risk Management coordinator with any questions.


VOLUNTEER CLEARANCES  - Valid for 5 years from date of inquiry

  1. PA Child Abuse History Check
  2. PA Criminal History Check
  3. Affidavit of Compliance OR FBI Fingerprinting:
    1. Affidavit of Compliance - If you have lived in PA for the past 10 years
    2. FBI Fingerprinting - If you have not been a PA Resident for the past 10 years

EPYSA MANDATED RISK MANAGEMENT - Required annually for all coaches

  1. Head's Up Concussion (Instructions)
  2. SafeSport Training (Instructions)


For complete information regarding EPYSA requirements, visit EPYSA's Mandatory Coach, Manager, and Staff Compliance.