Coach Instructions - Game Scheduling Requests

Coach Instructions - Game Scheduling Requests

FC Montco Coaches and Managers,

Game scheduling is important process involving FC Montco teams, other clubs, leagues, coaches/managers, FC Montco leadership, and the ref assignor.  All of these parties need to be on the same page.  If communication breaks down, we risk losing ref coverage or having refs wasting their time (and your team fees which you will owe) at an empty field. Please follow these procedures:

Game Schedule Request Process

When emailing the scheduling director, please include team name (e.g. 2013B Navy), league/game number (EDP #1138), and opponent (LMSC Bobcats) in the subject line. It makes it MILES easier to track over the season. When requesting changes from the initial scheduling requests, please use one email per game. 

We will do the best we can to fill requests, but we might have to compromise on time and field location (usually to keep blocks of referees together). Refs are few and the assignor will move Heaven and Earth to get you coverage, but let’s make it as easy as possible. 

"KO" means "kick off" or start time. That's how we communicate times to the assignor, even if you get at least 30 min on the field to warm up. This is especially important if you would like to rent the 11v11 high school fields for a game, which require pregame rental time.

To rent the Methacton High School, you need to email Ralph Navarette, our school district liaison, and cc the Director of Scheduling. Turf rentals for the weekend require 48 hour advance registration. 

Scheduling EDP and AECELA games

  1. Send a link to your schedule page to
  2. Work with your opponents first to agree on days and get a general sense of time
  3. Email us a request with times to see if we can get you field time. First come first served.  
  4. We will either confirm or offer you the closest option (early, middle, late game time)
  5. We pencil you in for that time and date
  6. You confirm with the other coach and we lock it in. 
  7. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for putting times and dates in GotSport. We do NOT do that. 
  8. WE are responsible for sending game dates and times to the assignor, following up, and sending cancelations (that's a whole other email). 

Scheduling Central League games

  1. CL releases the schedule 
  2. If there are any conflicts or you need to move a game, reach out to the opposing coach and to me ASAP. 
  3. Submit general requests to us (e.g. "please keep home games together to share players")
  4. For the most part, the club assigns game dates and time
  5. We will send a partial or complete club schedule for you to review. 
  6. If all seems cool, WE INPUT GAME TIMES to the CL website.
  7. The league communicates initial dates with the ref assignor. 

Scheduling ICSL games

  1. The league releases the schedule for your review; We reserve field time 
  2. For game change requests prior to 9/1/2023, agree with the other coach and fill out the league form (free)
  3. After 9/1/2023 game changes are $10 each
  4. The league sends games to the assignor

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