COVID Policy

COVID Policy

Current COVID Policy - January 2022

December 2023 Update - Letter to Parents

As we continue into 2023, FC Montco will continue to try and find the right balance between safety, comfort, and fun for our players and their families. Coaches and trainers are no longer required to wear masks for OUTDOOR activities. We are encouraging social distances for our players during breaks and on the sidelines at training and games. The club always encourages the use of masks by players and coaches if it makes them more comfortable. This is superseded by any return to play protocol that an individual is following due to exposure or positive COVID diagnosis. Our families are encouraged to visit the CDC website for further information. 

As always, please be mindful of your households' health, refrain from attending any events with COVID like symptoms and report positive cases to the club as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the club.

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